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Course: Toileting Mastery

Toileting mastery is an end to end solution that will have your little one feeling confident and in control of their toileting journey without manipulation, tactics, control or spending days and days inside watching and waiting like a hawk 👀

If you’re a parent of a little one aged 18 months to 4 years and the thought of helping them master toileting is making you want to s#*t yourself with apprehension or pee your pants with excitement then this is for you! 


This course is perfect for: 

  • Toileting tweaks ~ maybe you’ve started and things are going kinda ok except for the poos, you’re 3 months in and still seeing accidents, you’ve nailed the potty but now need a transition
  • Regression reversals - nappies are long behind you but something’s changed and now you feel like you’re going backwards
  • You’re just getting prepared - never too early for getting your gameplan together
  • Your little one is ready and you want to make this as simple and stress free as possible
  • You’re on your way to mastery but want access to troubleshooting for the just in case’s


What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access for the lifetime of the course
  • An entire module committed to troubleshooting
  • Downloadable PDFs of script suggestions, play ideas, visuals, resources, checklists and more!
  • Plans for Prep, Go-time and maintenance
  • Short, succinct videos that you can watch or listen to at your own pace like a podcast! 
Regular price
$57.00 AUD
Unit price
Course: Toileting Mastery

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Stress free toilet training!

We had been talking about toilet training with my little one for months and had a potty in the house but were at the point of wondering if she would ever be ready. I did Sarah's toileting mastery course and it completely changed my view - this was not my journey to lead but my little ones. When my little one decided she was ready we ran with it and any little snags we came up against I reviewed the relevant modules in the course and always found something that worked for us. The biggest thing for me has been watching the pride and confidence in my little one, who has absolutely smashed it within a few days. Which is undoubtedly as a result of the approach we took thanks to Sarah's knowledge. I highly recommend the toileting mastery course to every parent, let Sarah take the stress away!


I recently did your toileting course as I felt my son 2.5yo was ready to ditch the nappy. I was getting lots of conflicting information and advice about how to go about it. He was already pooping in the toilet but didn't seem to have the hang of peeing there. Your advice through the course was so helpful and reassuring, I was, in fact, already slowly training him by exposing him slowly and calmly to the toilet and the process without realising it. In the end, it took a weekend without nappies and a day of a few accidents, and he's officially in undies during the day. I was also able to do it without bribes, etc, which was hopeful for. Just wanted to say thanks and let you know it's an awesome course.

Minelly Shvily
Greatest tool for toilet training!

Sarah brings a fun and clear approach to toilet training. I can always rely on all her content for a fresh perspective and the voice of reason.

If you're like me and had no idea how to approach TT, this course offers step by step process as well as examples on how to incorporate play in a positive way.


Once my little one had mastered wee's and was asking for a nappy to poo, I thought we weren't far away from doing the poo in the toilet but after about a month I knew I needed help! After following Sarah for what feels like my whole parenting journey- I of course went straight to her. The night I purchased the program I went to the module targeted at our situation and THE NEXT DAY my little one did a poo on the toilet! Sarah knows her stuff and I wholeheartedly believe in her approach to all things parenting so it's by no surprise this course was exactly what I needed! What a way to start the new year! Thankyou so much Sarah!

Tarryn Stephen

I had never toilet trained anyone before so I was really unsure how to know when my toddler was ready, how to start and what to do to make it as smooth a process as possible. This gave me all the answers and let me tailor it to exactly what my little one needed. After day one she went to bed so proud of herself because she’d achieved something she didn’t think she could at the start of the day. And we did it together through connection and amazing, simple, easy to use techniques to make her feel comfortable and make toilet mastery a breeze. Thankyou Sarah! As always invaluable advice and tips. Couldn’t recommend enough.